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betuwannakissme @blogspot.com ♥
Friday, August 28, 2009

today i AM in a bad mood & i dun want to blog but itsokay i will tell you why i am in a bad mood!!!!!
TODAY there is this freaking girl that is just UP TO MY HEAD! i CANT STAND HER ANYMORE!! I TRIED TO BE NICE TO HER! but she is just a COPY CAT!! she copies me EVEYTIME EVERYTHING!!UGGH i am just so upsett!!! she is like trying to be me but i know that she just CANTT!! can you believe that she wanted to be a fashion designer just like me & it was like mention that i wanted to be a designer just a few days ago & she said she didnt know what to be when she grows up & suddenly today she was like OH OH I WANT TO BE A FASHION DESIGNER!! i was like WHAAAT!!! what is WRONG WITH YOU!!! but its okay i dun want to be mean with her just because she wants be like me & copying me everything!! BUT PLEASE!! CAN U STOP IT!!!!!!! imagine how frustrateed i am right now!! then she blames other ppl for copying HER! when she is COPYING ANOTHER PERSONS!! & this is not the first time she is doing this if it was the firs i wouldnt be so FRUSTRATED!!!!! BUT SEEEEE!!!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Two o'clock and I wish that I was sleeping
You're in my head like a song on the radio
All I know is I gotta get next to you
Yeah I gotta get next to you
Sitting here turning minutes in the hours
To find the nerve just to call you on the telephone
Cuz you don't know that I gotta get next to you

Maybe we're friends, maybe we're more
Maybe it's just my imagination
But I see you stare just a little too long
And it makes me start to wonder
So baby, call me crazy
But I think you feel it too
Maybe I, Maybe I, just gotta get next to you

Oh, oh
Oh, oh

Asked around and I heard that you were talking
Told my girl that you thought I was out of your league
What a fool, I gotta get next to you
Oh, yeah
It's five in the morning and I can't go to sleep
Cuz I wish, yeah I wish you knew what you mean to me
Baby, let's get together and end this mystery

Maybe we're friends, maybe we're more
Maybe it's just my imagination
But I see you stare just a little too long
And it makes me start to wonder
So baby, call me crazy

But I think you feel it too
Maybe I, Maybe I, just gotta get next to you

Whatcha gotta say
Watcha gotta do
How you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you
Watcha gotta say
Watcha gotta do
How you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you
Watcha gotta say
Watcha gotta do
How you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you
Watcha gotta say
Watcha gotta do
How you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you, yeah yeah
To wanna get next to you

Maybe we're friends, maybe we're more
Maybe it's just my imagination
But I see you stare just a little too long
And it makes me start to wonder
So baby, call me crazy
But I think you feel it too
So baby, call me crazy
But I think you feel it too
Maybe I, Maybe I, just gotta get next to you

Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Next to you
Oh, oh
I gotta get next to you

HAHHAH this song is the way i feel right noww!! >< hahhash!!!!!
well hmmmmmmm today yestestarday was OKAY. hahahs only that a bit of emotion & happiness!!! i was super crazy yesterday i was shouting and jumping around the whole day inside the classroom! hahahs something happenedd!! hahash i loveeeeeeee hiiimm O: hahhahashhs! maybe is too fast right now but i dunno what i am feeliing! hahahs!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH! XD
i knoww!!><
WELL GTG!! sorry for the short post XD hahas
loveee youu!! ><


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

hhhahas heeys (: sorry for not posting i dun really have time now S: now i am in school & everything is sooo busy !! bahah i decided to concentrate in studies & be a great women when i grow up & if i dun start now then when? maybe later is too late hahahs anyways i cant upload the picture i dunno whats wrong with bloggeer!!! argh anyways when they repair it i will upload,
yesterday was my first official day of school (: hahhash & yupsss was okaay hahahs
but is frustrating when you are like repeating sec 2 D: hahhas!
well have no time so i gtg (:
hahhas! & i think i found someoneeee <3 hahash!!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hhahhash (: heeys (: sorry for like no posting i was too busy this days XD! hahahs! LOL hmm okaays i will tell you guys from sunday (: hahhas sunday went to church saw my friends!! hahahs then after that greet everybody hahahs.. then my so called ''band'' XD is like a group of friends that there is : Zuriel , Pablo , Allan , Kina , Itzel & joshua & well me XD hahhas they are all older than me then they invited me to a house to go swimming but i did not bring anything to swim so i didnt swim xD then my friend that his name is Daniel xD picked me up & went out with him (: hahahs hmm then came back home & do nothing (: XD then.

Monday was a normal day in school with my friends teacher etc.. after that My BFF Maffer wanted me to go with her to ballet to see how she performed so i went then i asked my mama if i could stay with her for a sleep over hahas my mama said yes so yups (: hahahs then went with her we went out her house we found Monkey hahash his real name is Marco but we call him Monkey xD hahhas & i srsly dunno why XD well then hmm went inside watched tv & went to sleep (:

Today, was another normal school day (: came home eat my lunch , watched TV , fell asleep. I woke up arnd 5 15 hahas my friend was going to pick me up at 5 30 to go for cell group then she picked me up hahas there was a guy in the car his name is Mike he is very VERY strange! hahahs ! thats why my tittle for today is strange day.. hahas while we were going to Enrique's house for cell grp he was talking some crap that me & my friend Marjorie were like err..okaay? whats with him hahas! then while on the car we saw SOO many ppl super strange & doing wierd things XD! we reached the house then went in .. WOOOOW Enrique's house is huge! & super cool is like the house that i always wanted! it has EVERYTHING! hahas! is super cool! hahas then we had cell grp hahash we were watching a movie ! XD hhahas i met a guy today hahahs! XD he is very nice & cute XD his name is cesar (: hahas!!!! naaah.. i noticed that i missed alot of thing since i havent been to this cell group for ONE year hahash & got to know some new kids & yups it was fun (: hahs
& that's all (: hahahs i will up load photos the ones that i said i was going to upload like eerr sunday?

how strangee!! i cant find my cablee for the camera S: hmm well cant upload photos now so i'll do it once i find it (: hahhas

Tags reply: Julianna : hahhas yupss i was too lazy to tagg you XD hahahs!
Grannaye: I miss you oso >< hahash!!!
Toby: hahahsh no more perm!! hahahsh heellooo i cant slim down in what i've been only been here for like 1 week onlyy!! you want me to slim down so fast! PLEASE! it takes timee ((: XD & YES NO MORE PERM (:
Saturday, August 15, 2009

hi hi (: Lols

Yesterday night was soo cool (: My best friend stayed over as usual like 1 year ago XD & it was fun because we have the same pijamas (: then we wore it super fun (: hahas! (: so exiting then we woke up arnd hmm 12 30 pm XD!! super late but anyways i went to cut my hair O:! NO MORE PERM!! hahas! well anyways my hairdresser is the best! ahhas i loved the boutique <3 my first time there my BFF took me there & i totally loved it (: hahs! XD
anyways after that i went to my friends XV birthday party. Here in Mexico is like a tradition that when a girl turns XV there is a HUGE party hoho so it was super fun my friend looks gorgeous (: hahhas! tomorrow i will update fotos for you guys to seee (: hhahas
bye bye!! (:
Friday, August 14, 2009

Heyyyss (:
today i didnt go to school D: coz i too lazy hahahs! coz coz coz yesterday i went to my so called ''sister-in-law's'' house to eat dinner with her family & my family and it was soooo funny because my brother wasn't here & like the parents of Andy (my sister-in-law) & my parents wanted to know each other hahhahas & my brother & gf are together for like 1 year 4 months arnd there & the parents didn't know my parents so they invited us for dinner (: it was super nicee (: because the parents of Andy are professional chefs XD so cool right? HAAA! i knoww! oh & another thing the sister of andy has a baby!! she is sooo cutee & small (: teeeeheee (:

Well, something happened to the light post someone knock it down D: so no electricity then they came to repair it so till 10 am to 3 pm no electricity D:! LOL poor me.. well then went to sleep XD!

Well i will post alot & alot of photoooss ((: teeeheee (: will post from the airport of Singapore to Mexico (:

Btw... i want to change skin but i dunno how!! D: someonee HELP ME!

Puffis & me (she is the niece of Andy)

bitting my fingeer!! ><

My best friendd <3

hahahs can u see?


my cousin & I

Joey & I

Loy Loy & I

Toby & I

The super 4 (: hahahs! Loy Joey toby & I

Family Choy (:

Super 4 again (:


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Heeeeyyss (: hey guuuyss i feel very very bad ya know.. LOL. I am in Mexico oreadi and it feels okaay it feels like i had never left Mexi (lyk Loy loy calls it <.<) Have soo many things to tell you all guyss!! okaays yaay lets start from the second last day that i was leaving singapore to today 13 of august (: okaaay (: well the last day was Loy, Joey, Toby slept over @ Jouu's house so that the next day they could send Jouu to th airport hoho.. well that night i will never ever forgeet!! >< hahahs it was quite boring but nicee (: ii was the one who slept first hahah! tot i was going to last but i wasnt feeling that great for somee reasons XD~! rigghtt?! lol.. WELL then the next day went to the airport and `tobyy joeey loy loy sent me off hoho it was saaaddd i wanted to crryy butt joeey made me laugh by her trying to ''cry'' but she was like laughing so it was suppppeerrr funneeeeeeeyy hahhas! & oso it was joeey's bday that daay & i felt so bad cos i left her that daay!! i hate myself for thatt MY DEAR hope you had a Happy Birthdaay!! (: hahas anyways the trip was very tiring hahhas i slept & slept & slept! haahhs & oso i watched movies in the planee!! >< i watched.. hmm.. fast&furious `, Hanna Montana, 17 again , etc... hahahs cant rmb actually hahahs! well.. we transit to tokyo , LA and then Mexico, when we reached mexico it was like quite strange i just COULDNT believe that i was in Mexico oreadi canzz ><..well then friends from church of my parents came to pick us up & went homee!! (: teeeheee (: then arrived home was exited to see my house nice painted & empty D: well.. hhahas then i saw a note saying that there were Mexican foood inside the fridge i quickly went to the fridge & warmed up the foodd!! hahhas it tasted deliciouss... teheeeeee <3 well theeenn...unpacked a little then went to bed (: but i called toby loy loy and joey firstt (: hahhas they were so surprised that i calledd!! XD! hahhaas! but toby nvr picked up so went to sleep.. 4 hrs l8r i woke up then i was calling my best friend here in Mexico but she didnt picked up D: so i tried to call tobees again then HE finally picked up!! hahash then he was all gone mad & crazyy with her sisteer hahash! anyways after that i called another friend that lives near my house & she is my friend sincee born!! we played together laugh together everything together (: hahahs then when i called her the mother picked up then said..
Mother of friend: Hello??
Me: Hi, May I speak to Liz please?
Mother of friend: Sure, wait a minute
Me: okay, thanks (:

(from far i heard)

Mother of friend to father of friend: Sounds like Joanne but Naah.. cannot be..
Liz: hello? Who is this?
Me: HIIII!! (:
Liz: err who?
Me: Meeee!!! Joanneeeee!!
Liz: JOUU?? is it you?
ME: yes yes is meee!!
Liz: really?? stop bluffing mee!
Me: I am not!
Liz: OMGS jouu!! when did u come back i tot u were coming like 2 days!
Me: no nono >< yesterdaay! hahs wanna come over my house? (:
Liz: oh okaay (: hahahs!

then she came over & i was in pijamaas XD! hahas! then we chat showed her the my photo albums that loy loy joey and haris gave mee i told her my stories tt happened in singapore blah blah blah..

then i wanted to see my Best Friend in sch so i went to school hahash! i was soo happy to see ALL my classmates and schoolmates again!! hahhas! YAAAY (: then/.. when my friend Elisama saw me he raaaaan & hugged me and didnt let my other friends hug me HAHAHS! super funeeey! (: XD then i waited & waited & waited with Liz for class to finish to see my BFF! hahahs! then went to my house had a chatt blah blah blah..

Next day! 12 august 09

went to school to attend classes! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!? i just arrived & immediately sent me to school!?hahs well its okay hahas like that i can backuppp (: hahas!
then it was normal didnt really know all my classmatess cos i've never seen them b4 in my life so yuppss hahas made neew friendss (: teeeeheee (:
oh well then

next daay!! (: 13 august 09
went to school normal and made more friendss ((: hahahs! (: teeheee (:
today i going to eat dinner with Andddyy (: hahhas my so called '' sister-in-law'' teeeheeee ((: hahahs & she is heree right now in my housee
so gtgg ((: hahas

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