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betuwannakissme @blogspot.com ♥
Thursday, September 10, 2009

heheheh yesterday was the birhtday of my friendd IngriiD & it was super fun! hahah i had a great time with my girlfriends! hahah we call ourself ''jinds''.. ahhahas because its the initials of our names the 5 of us XD!! is joanne, ingrid, nitai, daniela & samantha muahahah i know its lame but its oso cool can! ahaahahh! hmmm we went to ingrid's house to celebrate it was great! ahah it was super fun becuase there was karaoke the father works with music box.. so he put a huge one inside the house & we were signing till our voices cannot anymore !! LOL!!
today had inspection in school.. they check our hair uniform nails etc.. hahah they say i have to comb my hair! my hair was messy because i just came back from PE! ugh!! oh well anyways i have hw to do soo byee!!


Saturday, September 5, 2009

heey!! how is lifee??
hahhas i hopee finee (: heheh.. i am happy!! (:
my Best Friends seems herself more noww hahahs she actually thought about how selfish she was & apologize !!! hahas & now we are likee friendss & yesterday we had a sleepover in my housee for likee fun hahash!!! so yupsss (:
i am frustrateeeed with toby hahahs! he doesnt reply anything that i send him!!! hahahah! have u forgotten me already!! D:!!! hahahhashh!! hope NOT!! HAHAha
i am using a laptop that is really small hahahs! & i liked it so itss MINEE! muahahahahahah! my dad & mom already have their own so this one i supposee i will use it XD! hahhash
well there is nthng to chatt abt or talk abt soo.. er.. i will go & play facebook gamess XDD


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Today was a bad bad bad bad day!!! UGGH1 i hateee thiss daay!! so many BAD happened to me today D:!!!!
First.. I did not do my homework & they made me clean the entire school!! !!!!
SECOND! My best friend got angry with me for something REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKE SERIOUSLY REALLY stupid !!! UGGGH!! like seriouslyy!! my best friend has a boyfriend & i like a guy that is a a friend of maffer ( my BFF ) then maffer like the same guy as me, aldo, & she thinks is like heerrss & like that.. so when she notinced that i liked him & that he like me she got super angry.. & i am like WTH! how can u get angry @ that if you ALREADY HAVE A FREAKING BOYFRIEND THAT LOVES YOU SOOOO MUUUUUCH! & i can believe it! seriously!!! i am soo maaad right nooww!!! I DUN HAVE LIKE ANY MOOD TO DO THINGSS!!
but i cant believe it.. makes me soo madd!! & i wan to sort out things but she is just so STUBBORN i like cant reconize her right noowW!!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Heeyss!! hahahs! hmmmm.... today i didn't go to school.. cant be bothered with it right now i was like super lazy today in the morning so i woke up & told my dad if i could like not go to school today so he said okay.. (: then woke up & there was a friend with my mama here & she brought some foodd (: hahahs! XD well not feeeling that great today.. i've been feeling down lately dun have friends to cheer me up hahahs all my friends have their own things to do that they wont really care abt me they will just tell me oh ya ya joanne ya.. then they will start talking abt themselves! i am like WTH.. are u supose to call yourself MY friend you selfish jerk!!!!

anyways.. i have been doing great in Mexicoo! i've beeen missing Singapore ALOT this few days! i want to hang out with my friends in Singapore!! HERE in Mexico i am like stuck everyday in my house doing this diong that.. !! URGH! shuckss!!
Bye bye

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Friday, August 28, 2009

today i AM in a bad mood & i dun want to blog but itsokay i will tell you why i am in a bad mood!!!!!
TODAY there is this freaking girl that is just UP TO MY HEAD! i CANT STAND HER ANYMORE!! I TRIED TO BE NICE TO HER! but she is just a COPY CAT!! she copies me EVEYTIME EVERYTHING!!UGGH i am just so upsett!!! she is like trying to be me but i know that she just CANTT!! can you believe that she wanted to be a fashion designer just like me & it was like mention that i wanted to be a designer just a few days ago & she said she didnt know what to be when she grows up & suddenly today she was like OH OH I WANT TO BE A FASHION DESIGNER!! i was like WHAAAT!!! what is WRONG WITH YOU!!! but its okay i dun want to be mean with her just because she wants be like me & copying me everything!! BUT PLEASE!! CAN U STOP IT!!!!!!! imagine how frustrateed i am right now!! then she blames other ppl for copying HER! when she is COPYING ANOTHER PERSONS!! & this is not the first time she is doing this if it was the firs i wouldnt be so FRUSTRATED!!!!! BUT SEEEEE!!!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Two o'clock and I wish that I was sleeping
You're in my head like a song on the radio
All I know is I gotta get next to you
Yeah I gotta get next to you
Sitting here turning minutes in the hours
To find the nerve just to call you on the telephone
Cuz you don't know that I gotta get next to you

Maybe we're friends, maybe we're more
Maybe it's just my imagination
But I see you stare just a little too long
And it makes me start to wonder
So baby, call me crazy
But I think you feel it too
Maybe I, Maybe I, just gotta get next to you

Oh, oh
Oh, oh

Asked around and I heard that you were talking
Told my girl that you thought I was out of your league
What a fool, I gotta get next to you
Oh, yeah
It's five in the morning and I can't go to sleep
Cuz I wish, yeah I wish you knew what you mean to me
Baby, let's get together and end this mystery

Maybe we're friends, maybe we're more
Maybe it's just my imagination
But I see you stare just a little too long
And it makes me start to wonder
So baby, call me crazy

But I think you feel it too
Maybe I, Maybe I, just gotta get next to you

Whatcha gotta say
Watcha gotta do
How you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you
Watcha gotta say
Watcha gotta do
How you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you
Watcha gotta say
Watcha gotta do
How you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you
Watcha gotta say
Watcha gotta do
How you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you, yeah yeah
To wanna get next to you

Maybe we're friends, maybe we're more
Maybe it's just my imagination
But I see you stare just a little too long
And it makes me start to wonder
So baby, call me crazy
But I think you feel it too
So baby, call me crazy
But I think you feel it too
Maybe I, Maybe I, just gotta get next to you

Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Next to you
Oh, oh
I gotta get next to you

HAHHAH this song is the way i feel right noww!! >< hahhash!!!!!
well hmmmmmmm today yestestarday was OKAY. hahahs only that a bit of emotion & happiness!!! i was super crazy yesterday i was shouting and jumping around the whole day inside the classroom! hahahs something happenedd!! hahash i loveeeeeeee hiiimm O: hahhahashhs! maybe is too fast right now but i dunno what i am feeliing! hahahs!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH! XD
i knoww!!><
WELL GTG!! sorry for the short post XD hahas
loveee youu!! ><


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

hhhahas heeys (: sorry for not posting i dun really have time now S: now i am in school & everything is sooo busy !! bahah i decided to concentrate in studies & be a great women when i grow up & if i dun start now then when? maybe later is too late hahahs anyways i cant upload the picture i dunno whats wrong with bloggeer!!! argh anyways when they repair it i will upload,
yesterday was my first official day of school (: hahhash & yupsss was okaay hahahs
but is frustrating when you are like repeating sec 2 D: hahhas!
well have no time so i gtg (:
hahhas! & i think i found someoneeee <3 hahash!!


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